Философия. Политика. Общество

Slavery of egoismas a manifestation of valuable guidelines of modern society

Vol. 87 No. 1 (2021), Философия. Политика. Общество
Vol. 87 No. 1 (2021)
2021-04-23 — Updated on 2021-03-26 Number of views: 123
Людмила Сидак
Национальный юридический университет им. Ярослава Мудрого e-mail: rozvitok.conf@ukr.net


value orientations
slavery of egoism
personality development
personality destruction
personality self-development crisis
personality freedom


The article provides an overview of current problem - the essence of  value orientations in modern society, their manifestations at the spiritual level and at the level of human life space. Value guidelines form the basis of motivation for both the internal, spiritual activity of the individual, and  social activity and economic  relationship with nature or the technosphere. Value guidelines determine the state of the spiritual being of an individual and the social, spiritual space of a person's life. Modern society characterizing by the presence of many dangers, social diseases, which already really threaten the existence of mankind.  Among them - violence, including  its most dangerous forms, for example, terrorism or military operations with the using of modern weapons against civilians; economic and environmental crises, mass famine, social tensions, epidemics and pandemics. All this  due to the fact that selfishness is the basis of the value orientations of modern civilization. At the individual level, selfishness is the basis of the degradation of the individual, and at the social level, the crisis of self-development of the individual manifests itself as a socio-cultural problem and cause of most crisis phenomenon.

Selfishness as the basis of the values of modern civilization is not an accidental phenomenon. It naturally arose as a result of the exaggeration of the importance of the rational principle in spiritual life and rationalism in cognition, economic life, and politics. Later, the ratio evolved into selfishness and individualism. A person who recognized it has egoism as the highest value, began to demand for himself unlimited negative freedom, that is, "freedom from ..." traditional foundations, morality, duties, from love, romhis human nature and, ultimately, freedom from freedom. Afterall, love and the abilitytoevaluate, thatis, to perceive good, truth, beauty, aremanifestations of freedom. Liberation from this ability leads to the loss of freedom, from bondage to selfishness. This state of affairs has led to the destruction of traditional values and the formation of new ones, which are increasingly pushing humanity towards the dangerous line of a global crisis that threatens all of humanity. This can be achieved only by changing the orientation of spiritual activity to a rationally organized, loving someone, rethinking the meaning of traditional value orientations. This should become the basis for the creation of a single space for humanity.

How to Cite

Сидак, Л. (2021). Slavery of egoismas a manifestation of valuable guidelines of modern society. Adam Alemi, 87(1), 3–16. https://doi.org/10.48010/2021.1/1999-5849.01 (Original work published April 23, 2021)