Globalization and National and Cultural Identity

Vol. 4 No. 86 (2020), SOCIETY. CULTURE. POLITICS
Vol. 4 No. 86 (2020)
2020-12-26 Number of views: 94
Guldariga Simukanova
K.Zhubanov Aktobe Regional State University e-mail:


globalization, identity, national-cultural identity, ethnic culture, ethnic identity, nation and ethnos, culture of national thinking, mass culture, mass consciousness, porn industry, multiculturalism, acculturation, tolerance


The article deals with issues of national and cultural identity in the context of globalization in various aspects: in relation to oneself, in relation to others; national. The article deals with the problem of identity in the cultural and ethnic context, its connection with personal and psychological relations, the General system of values, material and living conditions of the individual, as well as General economic, social and cultural interests.In modern scientific literature, the terms «mass society», «mass culture» and «mass consciousness»are often used. The article considers the content of these concepts from the point of view of identity. It is argued that the introduction of Americanized ersatz-culture is aimed at blurring the common true culture, including ethnic national culture the author makes a conclusion about the spiritual principles that unite all people of the Republic of Kazakhstan, reveals the idea of civil society, the Kazakh national idea in relation to the idea of Eurasianism, and shows the Kazakh national idea based on tolerance in the development of Kazakhstan.

How to Cite

Simukanova , G. . (2020). Globalization and National and Cultural Identity. Adam Alemi, 4(86), 145–153.