Crises in one way or another accompany the development of mankind throughout its history. But the current global crisis is fundamentally different from the previous ones. Its difference is that it is integral, multidimensional, deep and has at its core the oblivion of the spiritual essence of a person. All forms of modern human activity bear the stamp of this oblivion – the spiritual content of any human activity today is minimal and tends to disappear completely. The loss of spirituality, and recently the conscious refusal of a person from his spiritual essence, lies at the basis of the modern global crisis. In turn, the rejection of the spiritual essence by man was the result of the loss of the unity of man and God, which is a moral crime on the part of man. Man has despised the commandments given to him by God, forgetting that the commandments are not only moral maxims, but also the laws of existence, and their fulfillment connects a person with God on an ontological level. Therefore, the current crisis is truly global and eschatological. Overcoming this crisis, getting out of it is possible only on the ways of recreating a person's spiritual essence, on which the future of society and the positive historical perspective of humanity depend.