Philosophy of cognitive science, theory of mind, gravity, music imagination, predictive processing, embodied music cognition
Music elaborates through with a more powerful cognition system in which melodies shares some aspects with mathematics and language in general. This research reveals the basic aspects of analysis, music as a self-referential structure and transformative system, and focuses on the concept and definition of perception. There is still not many treatises in the philosophy of music about the functioning of musical emotion in the brain. Al Farabi’s Great Music Book is the first and still unique in this regard. One of the most important reasons that makes this work valuable is that Fârâbî’s work named Kitab al Musiqa brings new information to his music studies. This review details the evolutionary development of music and its cultural and psychological effects on the human mind. For centuries, philosophers queried the interaction and fundamental principles and causality of music in human life. The concept of musical perception, which is formed as a result of the relationship between perception and music, has been examined. A musical perception process was created by using general perception processes. Al Farabi illustrates the clarity of these questions from a neuroscience perspective in his Kitab al Musiqa al Kabir review. We examine with innovative results in the conditions of an intense history of intellectual research established by cognitive systems that insist on various aspects of human musical behavior. The main purpose of this article is to remember Al Farabi’s authority in music philosophy. This article claims that Farabi’s philosophy is valid in the conceptual framework of this century. Methodologically, we chose to translate from the original Arabic manuscript of Kitab al Musiqa al Kabir. The proposition in Al Farabi’s Philosophy that music is a kind of image is impressive.