Религиоведческие исследования

Fanaticism: concept, essence, features (identifying the essential characteristics of the concept of fanaticism, radicalism, fundamentalism, extremism)

Vol. 87 No. 1 (2021), Религиоведческие исследования
Vol. 87 No. 1 (2021)
2021-03-26 Number of views: 376
Нагима Байтенова
Әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ
Назерке Жетписбай
Әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ e-mail: naziko_96.96@mail.ru


fanaticism, radicalism, fundamentalism, extremism, terrorism


In the modern religious situation in the world, due to the frequent use of the concept of fanaticism, radicalism, fundamentalism, extremism in the media and scientific research, this article is devoted to identifying the content and essential characteristics of these concepts.  Despite the fact that these concepts are actively and often used, it can be noted that studies of the abovenamed concepts are still insufficient, their systematization.  In many cases, despite the fact that this issue arouses a certain interest in the public and among scientists, this problem is largely considered in the context of social and other problems.  This article deals specifically with fanaticism, its types, interconnection with religious radicalism, and also separately considers such varieties of religious radicalism as religious, religious-ethnic and political varieties of radicalism.  In modern conditions, fundamentalism, especially religious fundamentalism, has become one of the most pressing problems of society.  In this regard, the article draws attention to the fact that religious fundamentalism is a social phenomenon that is found not only in Islam, but also in other religions, such as Orthodoxy, Judaism and Hinduism.           

How to Cite

Байтенова, Н., & Жетписбай, Н. (2021). Fanaticism: concept, essence, features (identifying the essential characteristics of the concept of fanaticism, radicalism, fundamentalism, extremism). Adam Alemi, 87(1), 124–139. https://doi.org/10.48010/2021.1/1999-5849.11