N.A. Berdyaev About the Human Nature

Vol. 4 No. 86 (2020)
2020-12-26 Number of views: 67
Gulzhan Khusainova
K.Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University e-mail:


Berdyaev, Vl. Soloviev, the Essence of Man, Freedom, God, Ontology, Anthropology, Individual, Personality


The article analyzes the teachings of the Russian religious philosopher N. A. Berdyaev about man and his essence. It is noted that the basis of this doctrine is its own ontology. In this ontology, adhering to the Christian position as a whole, he nonetheless substantially departs from it. He not only accepts the teachings of J. Boehme, but essentially transforms it. If Böme has Ungrund in God, then Berdyaev places her outside of God. It is Ungrund, according to him that is the source of ontological freedom. In his anthropology, he accepts the ancient idea of man as a microcosm, but since he interprets the cosmos differently than the ancient philosophers, he interprets this idea differently. In addition, he supplements it with the provision that man is not only a microcosm, but also a microtheos. Berdyaev contrasts man and nature, defining man as a supernatural being. Man, Berdyaev claims, has the same attributes as God. The main ones are freedom and creativity. Therefore, according to Berdyaev, man is equal to God and is superior to angels. In his freedom he is almost unlimited: he is free even in the choice between good and evil. Berdyaev, in addition, distinguishes between a person as an individual and a person as a person. It is as a person that a person, according to him, is supernatural, equal to God and has divine attributes.

How to Cite

Khusainova Г. (2020). N.A. Berdyaev About the Human Nature. Adam Alemi, 4(86), 71–80.