The Spread of Sufi Doctrine in the Golden Horde and its Spiritual Values

Vol. 96 No. 2 (2023)
2023-06-30 Number of views: 84
Lazzat Kyzyke
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University e-mail:
Ozkul Cobanoglu
Hacettepe University
Nurmukhamed Kenzhegulov
Nur-Mubarak Egyptian University of Islamic Culture


The Golden Horde, Islam, Sufism, Turkic Peoples, Spiritual Heritage, Value


In recent years, a lot of research has been carried out on the religious history of the Golden Horde, a large state that formed the head of the Turkic-Muslim peoples of Eurasia. The importance of studying the religion and Confessions of the peoples of the Volga region and Deshti Kipchak is growing, and a number of scientific works in this direction are increasing. The increase in interest in the study of the spiritual, philosophical and cultural role of religion is due to the conduct of scientific work. One of the most important and urgent topics in science is the fundamental study of the spread of Sufi doctrine among the peoples of the Golden Horde and its socio-cultural and spiritual role, which is considered one of the most basic religious and philosophical trends in Islam. In the state of the Golden Horde, the history of Islam, its adoption and immersion in the minds of the people attract the attention of representatives of the humanities. Despite the rather high level of development of research on the history and spirituality of Islam in the Golden Horde, there is a need for scientific research. Of these, the most relevant is the history and philosophy of Sufi teachings, and the spiritual values of this direction in the minds of the Horde peoples are considered important. The proposed scientific article discusses the spread of the Islamic religion, including Sufi teachings, and its spiritual and philosophical values in the Golden Horde, which was the largest state of the Turkic era. A historical analysis of the adoption of Islam by the people of the Golden Horde and the spread of the teachings of Sufism here is carried out and a spiritual assessment is given.

How to Cite

Kyzyke Л., Cobanoglu Ө. ., & Kenzhegulov Н. (2023). The Spread of Sufi Doctrine in the Golden Horde and its Spiritual Values. Adam Alemi, 96(2), 159–167.