freedom, reflection, alienation, self-alienation, reification, bifurcation of personality, splitting of the Self, pseudo-value, personal - impersonal.
The article examines the problem of alienation, its contradiction with freedom as the essential basis of human being, leading to a violation of integrity, destruction of the subject, expressed in a split personality and splitting of the self. Freedom as reflection embraces the entire subject, his consciousness and unconscious, ensuring his integrity. Freedom as creation by individuals of a variety of spiritual meanings and corresponding ways of being, which become values when they choose and identify with them, does not exclude the possibility of creation of values that contradict freedom itself in their content and logic, no matter how paradoxical this may sound. This limits the subject, turning him from a goal into a means of development of the objective world, and material structures of social existence. Freedom as openness has a negative character. But precisely this kind of freedom means the non-predetermination of man. Alienation as a certain way of being, chosen by a person, blocking his ontological freedom, leads to the destruction of the subject, loss of his integrity: the doubling of a person into himself and his other turns into a bifurcation, into a conflict of personal and impersonal values incompatible in content, one of the sides of which as a result confrontation is repressed into the unconscious sphere of the psyche. Since the author of alienated values is the person himself as a subject, therefore alienation is considered as self-alienation of a person. Alienation reverses subject-object relationship, giving rise to irrational logic and corresponding forms of being, which leads to a violation of the subjectivity, expressed in intrapsychic split personality, a phenomenon discovered by S. Freud.