About the Outwardly Dual, But Still De-Facto Material Nature of Consciousness - Through the Prism of Philosophical Analysis

Vol. 102 No. 4 (2024)
2024-12-25 Number of views: 38
Emir Ashursky
State institute of artificial intelligence at NASU e-mail: e.ashursky@gmail.com


self-awareness, memory transfer, the existential memory, free will, total memorization, phenomenon a la Shereshevsky, monad perception


The exact determination of the sojourn point of the individual “Self”’ is, for science, as indeed for the destiny of mankind, truly invaluable significance. After all, from this very localization, one can, accordingly, go straight to the features of its functioning; and this, in turn, should certainly help in solving the global pan-philosophical problems of life and death, associated with the eternal search for the meaning of our earthly existence. In addition, as is known, the question of whether a person really possesses a free will (i.e. such, that do not obey any thinking or even instincts) has not lost its relevance too. And in fact: anyway, only depending on where we «direct the drawbar” in this case, it would be possible to judge the ability of the subject to control their own actions, and therefore, fully answer before the law. So, as you see, here either several extremely important layers of the social superstructure are linked to the essence of the human “Self” per by default: etiquette, morality and, of course, legislation.
But generally in his scientific views the author tries to adhere, in principle, to the idea of the subjective reality of emotions and the relative illusory nature of sensations. In its spirit, this position is most likely closer to Lenin’s than to the earlier - the German classical one (the founder is H. von Helmholtz). Particularly, here the link between an object and a corresponding psychical picture is considered as a relation of homomorphism between two non-equinumerous sets. However, to say that such homomorphic images of the same object can in total exist an infinite number - this, perhaps, would be the easiest here. That’s why the author is willy-nilly forced sometimes to turn in the mind’s eye to the hierarchical evolution of natural systems (starting from the primary monads) in the context of the progressive development of their psyche And as far as the actuality around us is concerned, then final correct answer about the sought-for type of the mapping would, obviously, depend here on the spatiotemporal parameters of the Universe and the comprehensive set of quantum characteristics of 5 (at least) stable elementary particles that have lain at the origins of being.

How to Cite

Ashursky, E. (2024). About the Outwardly Dual, But Still De-Facto Material Nature of Consciousness - Through the Prism of Philosophical Analysis. Adam Alemi, 102(4), 14–22. https://doi.org/10.48010/aa.v102i4.557