The problem of fairness in justifying cultural-civilization Project of the republic of Kazakhstan "Fair Kazakhstan"

Vol. 99 No. 1 (2024)
2024-03-31 Number of views: 52
Raushan Sartayeva
Institute for Philosophy, Political Science and Religion Studies of the CS MSHE RK e-mail: raush_sart@mail.ru


Justice, Cultural-Civilization Project


The relevance of this study is that in conditions of extremely complicated, accelerating and compacting (event series) ontological and geopolitical spaces, special actualization is acquired by the problems of subjectivity of state entities, the institution of the state as a guarantor of the preservation of all types of identity (from national-state identity to the level of personality and human identity) and closely related problems of justice. The growing struggle for the resources of the planet, the strengthening of the tendencies of the "Thucydides trap" (an increase in the likelihood of war due to the weakening of the old hegemon and the emergence of new hegemons) cause a high level of public demand for social justice at all levels of the structures of the world mega-society.
According to the author, the project "Fair Kazakhstan" was proposed by the top leadership of our country as such a project.
The purpose and novelty of this study is as follows: 1) the author believes that it is the problem of justice that can and should become consistent, meaningful, unifying the basis of the state, national cultural - civilization project "Fair Kazakhstan"; 2) in the cultural-civilization space of Kazakhstan (in the first approximation), one can state the mixture of Kazakh and European approaches to understanding the phenomenon of justice; 3) in relation to the socio-cultural development of our country, the concept of a communitarian type can be scientifically reflected and explicated (of all the currently available political concepts of justice), which would consistently combine freedom (in the conservative version of liberalism) with the traditional values of Kazakhstani society, which include both features of the Kazakh archetype and related features that determine this archetype of rationality and the cognitive strategy underlying this rationality.

How to Cite

Sartayeva Р. (2024). The problem of fairness in justifying cultural-civilization Project of the republic of Kazakhstan "Fair Kazakhstan". Adam Alemi, 99(1), 3–15. https://doi.org/10.48010/aa.v99i1.575