national sport
turkic people
turkic culture
perfect man
This article analyzes the influence of traditional culture and religious beliefs of the Turkic peoples on the development of modern sports. The stages of formation of national sports art are described: prerequisites, origins, expansion of the process, communication of the process, megadata. A specially presented table analyzes the national spiritual roots of sports, such as myth, religious beliefs, customs and traditions, martial ideology. From a philosophical, cultural position, the martial ideology is considered, which is presented in the form of the art of war, epic personality, defense of the country, etc., as well as its influence on modern sports. The article shows that the formation of a heroic personality, ultimately, brings to the forefront the education of a physically hardened person. The article analyzes sports competitions of the Turkic peoples, which in most cases are associated with hand-to-hand combat, where the training ground for sports training is also taken into account. A comparative analysis of the martial arts training of the hero of the Turkic epics and the preparation of a modern athlete is also carried out. The author notes that national games, which are an element of customs and traditions, were subsequently transformed into national sports. It is also concluded that the geographical environment and the nomadic way of life became a kind of "experimental site" where a special spirit was formed among the descendants of the Turkic peoples.