Formation of Islamic identity in Kazakhstani society: peculiarities, universality and dialogism

Vol. 102 No. 4 (2024)
2024-12-25 Number of views: 19
Zhanara Turganbayeva
Institute for Philosophy, Political Science and Religion Studies of the CS MSHE RK e-mail:
Natalia Seitakhmetova
Institute for Philosophy, Political Science and Religion Studies of the CS MSHE RK


Islamic identity
Kazakhstani society
ethno-cultural code
Islamic dialogism
Hanafi madhhab
cultural Other
Islam, Islamic Identity, Kazakhstani Society, Ethno-Cultural Code, Islamic Dialogism, Hanafi Madhhab, Cultural Other


The present article provides a comprehensive analysis of the dialogical potential of Islamic identity in Kazakhstan, emphasizing the importance of tolerance and intercultural dialogue in modern conditions. The novelty of the topic under study lies in the consideration of models of Islamic identity compatible with the formed historical realities of a multi-confessional society, where the stability of identity is conditioned by the stability of spiritual security and progressive spiritual development. Understanding of what it means to be a Muslim, developing a model of Islamic identity that corresponds to the realities of our country, is a task waiting to be solved. The objective of the study is to discuss the mechanisms for preserving Kazakhstan’s Islamic identity, to trace the importance in this context of the national concept of cultural diversity, which acts as an axiological unit, fixed and assimilated during the national historical and cultural development. The purpose of the study is to study the forms of existence of the domestic model of Islamic identity, as well as ways of its preservation. The practical significance of this study lies in the development of a scientific discourse aimed at solving the problem of creating an appropriate model of Islamic identity viable in the conditions of secularism. The article uses the methods of Islamic hermeneutics, religious typology, and Islamic comparative studies. The authors come to the conclusion that the authenticity of the ethnic tradition is preserved through a conscious, purposeful conceptualization of the domestic model of Islamic identity, commensurate with modern realities and consistent with the historically determined moral and ethical guidelines of the Kazakh ethnic tradition.

How to Cite

Turganbayeva, Z., & Seitakhmetova, N. (2024). Formation of Islamic identity in Kazakhstani society: peculiarities, universality and dialogism . Adam Alemi, 102(4), 152–160.