Type and order of reviewing articles

- All articles that have been checked for correct formatting in accordance with the requirements of the journal, as well as for plagiarism, undergo a further review procedure. Peer review is a mandatory component of passing a manuscript for publication in a journal.

- Peer review in the journal is confidential, two-way, "blind".

Scientists with doctorate and candidate degrees, as well as a doctors of philosophy (PhD), specializing in scientific direction of a submitted manuscript, are appointed as peer reviewers.

- Reviewing process is carried out on a confidential basis. A manuscript of an article is sent to a peer reviewer through the electronic platform without attribution and author’s (authors’) data. A "Reviewer’s Instruction Booklet", which contains the main principles that have to be reflected in the evaluation of a manuscript, is sent to a peer reviewer. They contribute to an objective assessment of quality and content of submitted article.

- The author submits the article according to the requirements of the journal, the editorial board sends the article for review (2 weeks).

- After receiving positive reviews, the article is prepared for publication in one of the issues of the journal.

- If the comments received from the reviewers are insignificant, the article is sent for revision to the authors. If the errors cannot be corrected, the manuscript is returned.