Общество и культура в политическом дискурсе современности


Vol. 88 No. 2 (2021), Общество и культура в политическом дискурсе современности
Vol. 88 No. 2 (2021)
2021-06-28 Number of views: 103
Rashid Ryuzanov
Institute for Economics of the CS MES RK e-mail: rashid_ruzanov@mail.ru
Tatyana Rezer
Yeltsin Ural Federal University
Sholpan Zhandossova
Institute for Philosophy, Political Science and Religius Studies of the CS MES RK


approaches to corruption investigation
corruption apprehension


The paper is aimed at analysis of the corruption notion and approaches to its study in different subject fields. The subject of the investigation are the proceedings of foreign scientists describing the corruption phenomenon within philosophy, economics, jurisprudence, psychology, anthropology, political science, sociology, and cultural science. The survey research of the corruption concepts within the indicated disciplines provides an opportunity to determine the corruption motives. The revealing of these motives allows developing the corresponding measures on the corruption fight. The important conclusion of the research is a statement that the most complete and practically applicable is the institutional approach based on the integration of the corruption understanding in different sciences and considering the corruption as a phenomenon resulting directly from the interaction and formal and informal rules of activity in individual society. The corruption is mainly based on informal rules (or institutes) that are supported by trust and reputation of the society participants. When in the institutional systems the informal institutes become more adapted in the social life there are gaps between formal and informal institutes. The scientific relevance of the research is determined by its contribution into the development of the interdisciplinary approach to the corruption investigation. The trends of future investigations are determined by an opportunity to conduct further researches using the described interdisciplinary approaches to the corruption study. The practical applicability of the results is in its application while elaboration of programs on decreasing negative effects of corruption on the life of society.

How to Cite

Ryuzanov, R., Rezer, T. ., & Zhandossova, S. (2021). APPROACHES TO CORRUPTION INVESTIGATION IN THE CONTEXT OF INTERDISCIPLINARY DISCOURSE. Adam Alemi, 88(2), 52–65. https://doi.org/10.48010/2021.2/1999-5849.06