The journal “Adam Alemi” is a philosophical and socio-humanitarian publication that covers current problems of philosophical and socio-humanitarian science, representing the scientific, theoretical and practical results of research by domestic and foreign scientists, expanding the communicative scientific space.
The editorial board of the journal implements a policy of dialogue aimed at consolidating scientists and the expert community. Much attention is paid to the creative activity of young scientists, whose publications are of interest to the scientific community.
The editorial policy of the journal is aimed at increasing the scientific rating of the Kazakhstani humanities, disclosing its scientific potential and entering the world humanitarian space. We are ready to discuss topical issues in the field of philosophy, political science, religious studies, Islamic studies, interdisciplinary sciences.
The journal “Adam Alemi” conducts:
The policy of openness – open access to the texts of articles published in the journal, the journal's website provides the necessary information on the conditions of publication, rules for preparing and submitting articles, reviewing, contact details of the editor-in-chief and executive secretary.
Authors and readers of the journal are given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the issue of the journal, including archival materials in electronic versions.
The policy of checking article texts for originality in the Antiplagiat system. Manuscripts of articles should be original, not duplicated with previously published texts. All articles submitted for publication are tested in the anti-plagiarism system (iThenticate)
Free Access Policy and Archiving of Materials
The journal "Adam Alemi" provides open access to its content on the official website of the journal. web address:
All information on the site is given in three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English, providing informational access to the site content not only for Kazakhstani, but also for foreign contingent of scientists and readers.
The site contains information on the editorial policy of the journal, its goals and thematic focus, conditions for article publishing, reviewing policy, publication ethics, data on the composition of the editorial board and international editorial board, as well as other information of interest to site visitors.
Authors and readers can familiarize themselves with the electronic versions of the current issue of the journal, as well as the archive of the issues for previous years. All publications of the journal in electronic form are distributed free of charge.
Privacy Terms
Information about the authors is published in the section of the journal "Our Authors". It contains the following information - full name, place of work, position held, academic degree, title.
The editorial board of the journal maintains confidentiality regarding the disclosure of information to peer reviewers about author (s) of article and to author (s) about peer reviewers. It also does not disclose information about articles under consideration to third parties.
Published materials don’t necessarily reflect the points of view of the editorial board. The editorial staff reserves the right to select quality articles and is not responsible for the reliability of the information in the submissions.
Authors of articles that have received approval for publication must pay for publication with an approved price list for publication in IPhPSRS scientific journals, as well as payment for registration of authors of articles in the CrossRef database. According to the approved price list: 10,000 tenge – for publishing an article in the journal, 2,000 tenge – for assigning a DOI to an article and 2,000 tenge - for registering each author of the article in the CrossRef database.
A receipt confirming payment for publication in pdf format is sent by the author to the e-mail address of the editorial office of the journal.
The editorial policy of the journal was approved at the meeting of the editorial board (Minutes No.1, 25.01.2021)